Earlier this week a scale model of the new futuristic Apple campus was shown off. The images show a black and white doughnut shaped building surrounded by trees and 2 blocks of car parking space just off a road to the side of the building. It has not been decided yet if the building will be constructed yet however a vote in the near future will give us that answer.
Bearded Muslim pupil allowed to return to School
A 14-year old Muslim boy is allowed to return to school on Monday after spending a month in isolation and being excluded from school after refusing to shave of his beard. The facial hair did not comply with the school rules at the Accrington secondary however the boy argued it was part of his religion to keep it. Another boy at the school still has an unresolved case and is needing to stay at home until it is sorted out.
Headteacher and the Governing Body at the school where 1/3rd of pupils are Muslims are not planning to change any of their appearance policies anytime soon which means this dilemma will continue to go on.
American Army Iron Man Suits
One of the richest armies in the world, the US Army, announced earlier this week that they were developing a new suit of armor which would give solderers "super human strength". The "revolutionary" exoskeleton concept designs include a smart material fitted with sensors to monitor body temperature, heart rate and hydration levels.