Sunday 6 October 2013

'Prisoners' Film Review

How far would you go to protect your family? That was an important decision which father of 2, Keller Dover (Hugh Jackman) needed to make when his infant daughter disappeared on thanksgiving along with her best friend. The two families struggled through what was the toughest time in their life as the police let them down because they could find no evidence to help discover who abducted their children and why.

Staring Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal, ‘Prisoners’ is a dramatic and creepy which has captured the UK box office making over £1.37 million in its opening weekend. The whole film is gripping and the first half an hour is significant as everything discussed over thanksgiving will be referred to later.

The film is packed with twists and turns which come as a surprise, there are many occasions during the 153 minutes when you think that every loose end has been tied up and the film is drawing to a close but then something will happen out of the blue which will intrigue you.

Overall, this film is long however there is not a dull moment; you’ll be on the edge of your seat through some parts, wincing through others and the ending will certainly not disappoint you.