Tuesday 17 September 2013

New Bing

From early this year we knew that Bing would be getting a redesign however the changes which are going to take place are way bigger than ever imagined! To the right is what the Bing logo was rumored to change to and below is what it actually changed to. I'm pleased they did change their idea because the new Bing logo looks surprisingly good.

Microsoft thought deeply about the changes to Bing and all the changes they've done to the design fit in perfectly with the rest of Microsoft's services.

The new Bing can give you inline information like what Google does. So you just need to type key words such as David Cameron's Birthday and it will immediately give you the date you need without needing to open any links.

It also has Facebook built-in. The old version of Bing had this promised however for some reason nobody ever saw it however in this new Bing you can see your friends latest posts about whatever you have typed into the search box.

These new updates have not taken effect yet however you can expect them over the coming months.

In the Windows 8.1 update coming to Windows 8 users in September, you will notice two new Bing apps on your Start screen. Bing 'Food and Drink' and Bing 'Fitness and Health'.

Bing 'Fitness and Health' combines over 1,000 exercise videos, nutritional and medical references and diet trackers to help you stay fit and healthy whilst Bing 'Food and Drink' is packed with thousands of recipes and hundreds of cooking tips. There is even a hands free mode that allows you to get to the next stage of the recipe by just swiping your hand in front of your webcam.

These two apps also make Windows 8.1 more attractive however I'm concerned how much space the Windows 8.1 update will take up, especially on Surface RTs which don't have much internal storage at all!