Mailbox for iOS released
Mailbox is a Gmail app funded by kickstarter.com and this week it was released on iOS devices. The app only works with your Gmail email account so it is useless if you use Hotmail, Outlook or Yahoo. Despite this drawback it is a really good app which seems to prefer swiping and gestures over tapping. This app has got rave review for its excellent design and it's simplicity to use however if you want to start using the app there is quite a big queue (right)!
Death Star on Kickstarter.com
Another thing which has happened this week regarding Kickstarter.com is the plans for a Death Star to be made. You may remember that less than a 5 months ago there was a petition sent to the White House with over 30,000 signatures proposing that America should build a death star. Since then the White House has raised the number of signatures needed to 60,000 however Star Wars fans are not worried as the idea has been launched on Kickstart.com earlier this week.
Gnut.co.uk whom launched the project on Kickstarter hope to reach a £20,000,000 in the next 50 days however if they fail to come close to that figure they get no money at all.
Find out more about the project here: Kickstarter Open Source Death Star
Backwards Bowler
Jim Cripps is a pretty standard bloke apart from his unusual talent which is bowling backwards. He found he had this unique gift when a friend challenged him to try and score 150 points backwards. It sounds impossible, but Jim says he managed to land a strike on his first try, and ended up with a final score of 163!