Wednesday 1 August 2012

TED - Technology Entertainment Design

Because of the TED app on iPad I've been watching a lot of inspirational TED videos recently. TED is an app and website which shows videos of people giving speeches. Some speeches are funny, some factual and some persuasive. They have over 1000 videos from loads of speakers.
1 of my favourite speeches is the one above. It uses 3 iPods to make magic but the speaker also makes some good points about lies and deceiving people.
Another one of my favourite is by Bruce Feiler. He was diagnosed with cancer when his 2 twin daughters were 3 years old and he didn't want them to grow up without a dad. So he wrote a letter to 6 of his friends who he thought would be able to stand in his place if he passed away.
In conclusion I think TED is a great resource and should be used more in schools and businesses. There is a speech for probably just about every situation and they defiantly inspire people.