Friday 10 August 2012


Kickstarting websites are websites that start-up companies can use to raise money for their product.
It is like an online version of 'Dragons Den'. You pitch your product, maybe upload a prototype photo, state how much you want to raise and the time you want to raise it in. Then, if people like your idea, they can donate as much as they like in return for a free model or something like that (whatever you think if right).

One of the most successful ideas that came from was the Pebble Watch which you can connect to your iPhone or Android phone via Bluetooth 4.0.
It sends notifications, text messages and other useful information from your smartphone to the watch. It can also be used to send information back to your phone (like if you want to change the track or if you want to use your phones GPS for a tracking app on the smart watch).

The Pebble Watch has an e-paper screen and the battery life that can last around 7 days. Unfortunately, the watch does not currently work with Blackberry or Windows Phone however hopefully that will be coming soon.

The Pebble Watch is going to cost around £100.

What makes the pebble watch so special is that it made $1,000,000 in 28 hours when it's goal was only $100,000. By the end of the 5 week deadline it had 68,929 backers and had raised $10,266,846.