Francois Hollande Policies
• Foreign policy: supports the withdrawal of French troops present in Afghanistan by the end of 2012.
• Energy: endorses reducing the share of nuclear power in electricity generation from 75 to 50% in favor of renewable energy sources.
• Education: supports the recruitment of 60,000 new teachers, the creation of a study allowance and means-tested training, setting up a mutually beneficial contract that would allow a generation of experienced employees and craftsmen to be the guardians and teachers of younger newly-hired employees, thereby creating a total of 150,000 subsidized jobs.
• Aid to small and medium enterprise, with the creation of a public bank investment-oriented SME's and reducing the corporate tax rate to 30% for medium corporations and 15% for small.
• Recruitment of 5,000 judges, police officers and gendarmes.
• Construction of 500,000 homes per year, including 150,000 small houses for poor people, funded by a doubling of the ceiling of the A passbook, the State making available its local government land within five years.
• Restoration of retirement at age 60 for those who have contributed more than 41 years.
• The provision of development funds for deprived suburbs.
They are good policies however if they can implemented is a completely other story. Earlier this week Germany was telling Francois Hollande that some of his other policies regarding the Euro and money won't be able to be implemented. So for now I think it is a matter of time before we see if he is a perfect president or a ludicrous leader.