Sunday, 15 April 2012

Thoughts on the DSMS TV Studio so far...

The Studio
The TV Studio has now been almost in fully working order for just over a month now (there are still small developments to be made) and I think that it has been an amazing resource for the school to have. There is so much you can use it for! Making music videos, filming drama pieces, producing a news show or just experiencing how a TV studio works.

When I first started working with he TV studio I couldn't believe how many jobs both in font and behind camera there were. For a start you need a good script written, then someone to run it on the auto-cue, someone to set up the camera shots and the set and sometimes even a group of people to sort out the green screen.

The Wyvern
A few weeks ago we released the first pilot episode of the Wyvern TV where we interviewed Jenny Chapman (MP of Darlington). Despite some parts of the show being quite quiet and pauses at some parts I would say they the first episode was a success.

Link to Wyvern TV Episode 1:

My personal ideas for future episodes include a section called 'Pupils Perspective' where we ask fellow pupils at the school for their opinion on recent topics happening in and out of school.
Maybe some sort of feature on a teacher where we can ask teachers some questions and find out their view on things (although we do already do this in every edition of 'The Wyvern' newspaper).

Please, if anyone has any more idea's you can leave them in the comments box of the YouTube video or tweet them to us @DSMS_Wyvern 

Thank you :)