'All things D' reports that Apple's next mobile device will be announced on September 10th. Like every year, there have been hundreds of rumours about the new device but like every year only a small fraction of them are likely to be true. Rumours suggest the next iPhone will have eye tracking technology, a fingerprint scanner and better camera capabilities to put it on par with similar high end mobile devices.
This is the first iPhone with a completely new operating system. iOS 7 look completely different to iOS 6 or anything before that. iOS 7 takes the best things from iOS 6, Android and Windows Phone and puts them together in a beautifully designed package.

Walt and Jesse returned to viewers screens earlier this week as the show builds up to it's finale. Season 5 of popular American drama 'Breaking Bad' was aired in America last Sunday and was on Netflix UK on Monday morning meaning that British viewers weren't missing out.
The drama is about a terminally ill Chemistry teacher who basically says 'YOLO' and then decided to get into one of the most dangerous industries; cooking methamphetamine with an ex-student (Jesse).
With the Earth's population and the demand for meat at an all time high farmers will soon not be able to cope with the high demand so recently a Dutch company has been making a burger from stem cells. The burger costed £215,000 to make and it was described at their PR event in London as 'not as juicy as real meat' however they say it will take them another decade to perfect the product before it goes on sale.