Flipboard 2.0
Earlier this week Flipboard released version 2.0 of, well, Flipboard. If you didn't know, Flipboard is a cool iOS and Android app which puts your social feeds into a modern newspaper like format so you can flick through your networks instead of scrolling down various social apps.
Flipboard is one of my favorite apps of all time and it was made even better when they released a new version earlier this week. The new version has some minor bug fixes and tweaks however the main difference is that it now allows you to make your own newspaper/magazine by combining web links, tweets and posts from your current feeds.
On the right you can see the Flipboard Newspaper I made for the 'DSMS Wyvern', it contains the latest information about school trips and I can share it to people in our school via Twitter or Email so anyone with the Flipboard app can subscribe to it and receive the latest updates in a dench magazine format.
Unfortunately, Flipboard still isn't out for Windows 8 or Windows Phone 8 however it will hopefully come soon.
Google Glass
How would you like to try out Google's new Project Glass (which is a pair of half glasses which display real time information about weather, location and other information)? Well earlier this week Google launched a competition on Twitter and Google+ where they asked people what they would do if they had Google Glass. The winners were a random selection however there were some celebrity names in there. And although they have won the amazing opportunity they still need to pay $2000 to pay for the Glasses and also have enough money to pay for a trip to America to pick them up.
It emerged today though that Google is rethinking some of the people it selected to try the Glasses. Rumors are suggesting that the opportunity got taken away from one woman simply because she only had 7 Twitter followers.
It was also in the news this week that apparently Google Glass is going to be manufactured in America which would definitely boost America's economy.
Finally, earlier this week a few developers rumored that they were building apps for Google Glasses. I personally thing that Google Glass will be great for augmented reality apps such as 'World Lens' which is an iPhone app which translates words into different languages by simply pointing your camera at them.
Once you have created a stream of content you can embed it, share it or just leave it on the Storify website for other people to view.
Anyway, earlier this week Storify announced that they were making some new updates. Storify VIP allows a user to make Storify streams that update automatically which is perfect for live blogging, it allows you to make personal streams that aren't shared with anyone and it allows you to edit the way your steam looks once you have embedded it.
So far, the update seems free however you need to request to have the VIP service. You can do that by clicking here.