It has a HD screen, USB ports and it will run Windows 8 RT or Windows 8 Pro depending on how many features you want and how much you want to pay.
One of it's biggest differences from the iPad is the stand which folds out of the back. This allows the computer to look a bit like a big digital photo frame however the stand has a camera built in so you can have you're tablet stood up on an angle but the camera still facing straight forwards. There is also a camera on the front.
Another new feature is the magnetic keyboard which clips on the bottom and when folded up also acts as a case. This comes in a verity of colours and is extremely thin. I don't know how good this will be though as the keys are touch sensitive which means you don't need to press them down (just touch them).
I was worried that after the latest Mac OS was announced last week that Windows 8 wouldn't stand a chance but as long as Windows keeps the price down I think that people will buy it. Finally, unlike the iPad and iMac, Windows owns Microsoft Office which is defiantly the easiest way to make brilliant looking presentations, documents, spreadsheets and loads more and that is why people are going to buy this tablet.